University of Virginia Library


On coy Laura, veil'd.

Lassare il velo o per Sole, o per Ombra, &c.


Another out of Petrarch, in Italian.

That you discharge your Veil by Sun or Shade,
I can't of late perceive; that Joy discover;
As you believ'd my great Desires allay'd
That Muffled way, which throng my Heart all over.
Tho lurking Thoughts, close-harbour'd there, do now
Perplex me still; Sight lost, bred more desiring.
I once observ'd fair Goodness grace that Brow,
But since my Love shew'd th' Hearts internal firing,
Your yellow Sun-shine-Curls are gone, beclouded more;
Each radiant Glance quite overcast, obscured.
Thus, snatch'd from me what most I prize, adore,
If govern'd by that Veil; worst Plagues endured.
Since, frozen still to Death, be't hot or cold;
Your Eyes sweet Light does darken and infold.