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Edward Shelley Green, a leading jeweler of Roanoke,
Virginia, was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, March
4th, 1862. His parents were Robert Carr and Mary
(Shelley) Green. As a boy he attended the Pottsville,
Pennsylvania, public schools and finished his
education in the High School of that city.

He then engaged in the jewelry business in Pottsville,
afterwards removing to Danville, Pennsylvania,
where he operated for a period of five years, conducting
the same line of business.

In 1893 he located in Roanoke and in September of
that year, opened a large jewelry establishment on
Salem Avenue, where he conducted business until
1909, when, on May first of that year, he removed to
No. 10 Campbell Avenue, West. A general stock of high-grade jewelry and silverware, cut-glass, watches
and diamonds is carried at all times and the store is one
of the largest in the State of Virginia, west of Richmond.
He has been progressive in his business methods
and has a large and ever growing trade.

Mr. Green is a member of the Roanoke Chamber of
Commerce and of the Retail Merchants' Association.

Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic Order
and is a Knight Templar, he is also a member of the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and of the Shenandoah
and Country clubs.

On January 10th, 1884, he married Catherine Ward
of Pottsville, Pennsylvania. One son was born to this
union; namely, Edward Shelley Green, Jr., who, at the
present time, is attending the Mercersburg Academy
at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania.