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O how happy am I here,
How beyond expression blest!
When I feel my Jesus near,
When in Jesu's love I rest,
Peace, and joy, and heaven I prove,
Heaven on earth in Jesu's love.
Nothing else but love I know,
Worldly joys and sorrows end;
Man may rage, my feeble foe;
Thou, O Jesus, art my Friend:
Man may smile; I trust in Thee:
Thou art all in all to me.
Thou, my faithful Friend and true,
Reachest out Thy gracious hand:
What can men or devils do
While by faith in Thee I stand?
Stand immovably secure,
Love hath made my footsteps sure.
Satan stirs a tempest up;
Calm I wait till all is past,
See the anchor of my hope
On the Rock of Ages cast!
Never can that anchor fail,
Enter'd now within the veil.
Shouldst Thou o'er the desert lead,
Will me farther griefs to know,
After Thee with steady tread,
Leaning on Thy love, I'd go,
Drink the fountain from above,
Eat the manna of Thy love.


O how wonderful Thy ways!
All in love begin and end:
Whom Thy mercy means to raise
First Thy justice bids descend,
Sink into themselves, and rise
Glorious all above the skies.
There I shall my lot receive,
Soon as from the flesh I fly;
Happy in Thy love I live,
Happier in Thy love I die;
Lo! the prospect opens fair;
I shall soon be harbour'd there.
Light of life, to Thee I haste,
Glad to quit this dark abode,
On Thy truth and mercy cast,
Longing to be lost in God,
Ready at Thy call to say,
Lo! I come, I come away.
Ministerial spirits, come,
Spread your golden wings for me,
Waft me to my heavenly home,
Land me in eternity,
Bear me to my glorious rest,
Take me to my Saviour's breast.


Melt, happy soul, in Jesu's blood,
Sink down into the wounds of God,
And there for ever dwell;


I now have found my rest again;
The spring of life, the balm of pain,
In Jesu's wounds I feel.
Thirsty so long, and weak, and faint,
I here enjoy whate'er I want,
The sweet refreshing tide
Brings life and peace to dying souls;
And still the gushing comfort rolls
From Jesu's wounded side.
Swift as the panting hart I fly,
I find the fountain always nigh,
And heavenly sweetness prove,
Pardon, and power, and joy, and peace,
And pure delight, and perfect bliss,
And everlasting love.
The world can no refreshment give:
Shall I its deadly draughts receive,
Scoop'd from the hellish lake?
Nay, but I turn to the pure flood
Which issues from the throne of God,
And living water take.
Soon as I taste the liquid life,
Sorrow expires, and pain, and strife,
And suffering is no more;
My inmost soul refresh'd I feel,
And fill'd with joy unspeakable
The bleeding Lamb adore.
I now the broken cisterns leave,
My all of good from God receive,
And drink the crystal stream:


The crystal stream doth freely flow
Through hearts which only Jesus know,
And ever pant for Him.
Jesus alone can I require,
No mixture of impure desire
Shall in my bosom move;
I fix on Him my single eye,
His love shall all my wants supply,
His all-sufficient love.
How vast the happiness I feel,
When Jesus doth Himself reveal,
And His pure love impart!
Holy delight, and heavenly hope,
And everlasting joy springs up,
And overflows my heart.
He pours His Spirit into my soul,
The thirsty land becomes a pool,
I taste the unknown peace
Such as the world will not believe;
No carnal heart can e'er conceive
The' unutterable bliss.
Light in Thy only light I see,
Thee and myself I know through Thee,
Myself a sinful clod,
A worthless worm without a name,
A burning brand pluck'd from the flame,
And quench'd in Jesu's blood.
The light of Thy redeeming love,
Like sunbeams darted from above,
Doth all my sins display,


Countless as dancing motes, and small;
But O! the love that shows them all
Shall chase them all away.
The Sun of Righteousness shall rise,
Thy glory streaming from the skies
Shall in my soul appear;
I know the cloudless day shall shine,
And then my soul is all Divine,
And I am perfect here.