University of Virginia Library

On the first Sight of Beauteous Laura.

Era'l giorno, ch'al Sol si scoloraro, &c.


Englished out of Petrarch in Italian.

There was a Day, when the Sun's Beams grown pale,
With yours beheld, appear'd; Light's chief Disposer:
When those fair Eyes (unguarded Breast, too frail!)
Strait bound my Heart, Love-band alone th' Incloser.
'Twas then no Time for breach-repairs, Defence,
So strong th' Assault: nor small proves my Suspicion
(Though Lovers Griefs seem vulgar thought) from whence
Those former Wounds receiv'd, my Slave-Condition.
Treacherous Love found me disarmed there,
When through mine Eyes free road to th' Heart extending,
(Eyes places now, sad Foards of Tears, as 'twere!)
Though scarce with Cupid's Honour, Glory ending:
Strook naked me with Dart, that time not shewn
To coy, well armed You his Bow alone.