University of Virginia Library


[That universal love sincere]

The love of many shall wax cold. —xxiv. 12.

That universal love sincere
Where is it to be found?
Out of the mouth of most we hear
The word's unmeaning sound:
But O, how few the saints that know
Their Saviour's perfect mind,
Whose hearts with charity o'erflow
To all the ransom'd kind!
If my own party I approve,
And cleave to my own sect,
Holding the few with partial love,
The many I reject;
My nature's narrowness I feel,
Myself I blindly seek,
And still a slave in Babel dwell,
A shackled schismatic.


O that the Spirit of our Lord
Might set His prisoners free,
Might speak the sectaries restored
To glorious liberty!
O that the catholic love Divine
Shed in our hearts abroad
Might all our jangling parties join,
And swallow up all in God!