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[Happy the soul whom God delights]

Happy the soul whom God delights
To honour with His sealing grace,
On whom His hidden name He writes,
And decks him with the robes of praise,
And bids him calmly wait to prove
The utmost powers of perfect love.
I cannot, dare not now deny
The things my God hath freely given;
That happy favour'd soul am I,
Who find in Christ a constant heaven;
He makes me all His sweetness know,
He makes my cup of joy o'erflow.
His grace to me salvation brings,
His grace hath set me up on high,
He bears me still on eagle's wings,
He makes me ride upon the sky,


With Him in heavenly places sit,
And see the moon beneath my feet.
An hidden life in Christ I live,
And exercised in things Divine
My senses all His love receive;
I see the King in beauty shine,
Fairer than all the sons of men;
Thrice happy in His love I reign.
His love is manna to my taste,
His love is music to my ear;
I feel His love, and hold Him fast
In ecstasies too strong to bear;
I smell the odour of His name,
And all wrapp'd up in love I am.
O that the world might taste, and see
How good the Lord my Saviour is!
Take, Jesu, take Thy love from me,
So they may share the glorious bliss:
Thy love (if we awhile should part,)
Would soon flow back into my heart.
O might I feel the utmost power
Of love, and into nothing fall!
Infinite Love, bring near the hour;
Infinite God, be all in all;
Cover the earth, Thou boundless Sea,
And swallow up all our souls in Thee.