University of Virginia Library

The Children's Triumph.

The Sunbeams came to my window,
And said, ‘Come out and see
The sparkle on the river,
The blossom on the tree!’
But never a moment parleyed I
With the bright-haired Sunbeams' call!
Though their dazzling hands on the leaf they laid,
I drew it away to the curtain-shade,
Where a sunbeam could not fall.
The Robins came to my window,
And said, ‘Come out and sing!
Come out and join the chorus
Of the festival of the Spring!’
But never a carol would I trill
In the festival of May;
But I sat alone in my shadowy room,
And worked away in its quiet gloom,
And the Robins flew away.


The Children came to my window,
And said, ‘Come out and play!
Come out with us in the sunshine,
'Tis such a glorious day!’
Then never another word I wrote,
And my desk was put away!
When the Children called me, what could I do?
The Robins might fail, and the Sunbeams too,
But the Children won the day.