University of Virginia Library

Full eighteen years and one month, very neer
Since we began to ring the Changes here
Are past away; and since by often turning
We, have been broyling, to escape a burning:
But, what are we the better, now, unlesse,
We shall discover what things were amisse;
And when we finde them, seriously intend
Our courses, for the future, to amend?


For, how can they have ease, who bear about them,
And in them, what theyseek to cure without them?
Or, to obtain it shall be still so mad,
As to expect it, where none can be had?
Or, how can possibly that Body be
From great Distempers, or Destruction free,
Whose Head and Members are from one another
Divided? or so cruel to each other
As not to let each part, enjoy that dole
Which Nature gave them to preserve the WHOLE?