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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 394. Keeper—his election, term of office, salary, etc.

The Council shall elect a keeper, who, under the direction of the
Committee on Cemeteries, shall have special charge of the public
cemeteries and of all property of the city in and about the same.
His term of office shall be for two years and he shall receive
such salary as may be fixed by the Council.

Sec. 395. Same—his powers and duties.

He shall employ, subject to the approval of the Committee on
Cemeteries, such help as may be needed for the purpose of embellishing,
and improving the grounds, grading, draining and
keeping avenues, walks and sections in order, and for the interment
of the dead, and such other work as may be necessary.
He shall have all the powers of a member of the city police within
the cemeteries over which he has jurisdiction, and within one
hundred yards thereof, and shall keep order and preserve the
peace therein; and any one obstructing or hindering him in the
discharge of his duty shall be fined $5 for each offense.

Sec. 396. Laying off lots—mapping and selling of same.

The keeper shall lay off the grounds, not already mapped, into
sections, half sections, and quarter sections and shall have two
maps made of same by City Engineer, or some other civil engineer.
One of said maps shall be kept by the keeper and the
other recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court, and
the keeper shall sell the sections, half sections and quarter sections
as shown on said maps at such prices as may be fixed from time
to time by the committee.

Sec. 397. Deed to sections.

The Mayor shall have authority and it shall be his duty to
convey by deed with general warranty of title to any purchaser
thereof any section in any cemetery of the city to which the city


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has a clear title, upon the certificate of the Treasurer that the
purchase money for said section has been fully paid. To such
deed the Mayor shall attach the seal of the city, however, that in
any such deed it shall be expressly set out that the section thereby
conveyed shall be used for the interment of white persons only,
and that its management and control shall be subject to any laws,
ordinances or resolutions passed or thereafter passed, by the City
Council for the management, government or improvement of the
cemetery in which the section is located, or for the management,
government or improvement of the sections in said cemeteries.

Sec. 398. To whom lots shall be sold.

All the sections in Maplewood and Oak Hill cemeteries shall be
used exclusively for the burial or interment of white persons;
except that part in Oak Hill cemetery which has been set apart
for colored persons.

Sec. 399. Burial of paupers.

The Committee on Cemeteries shall designate such portion of
Oak Hill Cemetery as may be necessary for the interment or
burial of paupers.

Sec. 400. Charges for keeping sections in order.

Every owner of a section or part of a section in any cemetery
of the city shall pay annually to the keeper on the 1st day of
July the following fees, viz: For a full section, five dollars; half
section, three dollars and fifty cents; and quarter section, two
dollars, which amounts shall be placed to the credit of the
cemetery fund, to be expended only for keeping said sections in
good condition.

Sec. 401. Record of burials, permit, etc.

The keeper shall keep a record of each cemetery showing the
name, division, block, section, grave and date of interment of
every person buried in said cemeteries, and no interment shall be
made without a permit from the Board of Health.

Sec. 402. Fees for digging graves.

For digging a grave for a person fourteen years of age and
over the fee shall be five dollars; and for graves for persons under


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fourteen years of age the fee shall be three dollars which fees shall
be paid in advance unless guaranteed by some responsible person,
and every grave shall be not less than five feet in depth. No
interment shall be made which shall disturb the remains of the
dead, or which shall displace or injure any monument or stone
placed over a grave.

Sec. 403. Trespass, etc.

For breaking, injuring, or destroying any monument, gravestone
or mark, shrub, plant or tree in the cemeteries, or any property
appertaining thereto, or for trespassing in any manner on the
grounds, the person or persons so offending shall be fined not
less than $2 nor more than $20, and said fine shall be placed to
the credit of the cemetery fund.

Sec. 404. Financial reports, etc.

The keeper shall keep an account of all money received by him
for burial assessments, or sale of lots and keeping sections in
order and shall pay over the same to the Treasurer weekly; and
he shall keep an account of money expended for labor or other
expenses of the cemeteries and make weekly reports to the committee.
He shall give bond with security for the faithful performance
of his duties.

Sec. 405. Quarterly reports to be made by chairman of

The chairman of the Committee on Cemeteries shall make a
report to the Council quarterly, showing the receipts and expenditures
for the cemeteries of the city and such other matters as they
may deem necessary.

Sec. 406. River View Cemetery.

The corporation known as the "River View Cemetery Company"
is hereby empowered to carry out the powers granted it by the
charter of said company, so long as the same are exercised in due
accordance therewith.