University of Virginia Library


[Sinners the most abandon'd now]

The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, &c. —xxi. 43.

Sinners the most abandon'd now,
Ye need not sink in sad despair,


Ye too to Jesus' cross may bow,
Ye too may Jesus' kingdom share,
Who still, as in the days of old,
Heathens receives into His fold.
Ye saints, the most advanced in grace
Be warn'd the rock of pride to fear
Who now the' elect peculiar race
The favourites of your God appear,
Remember ancient Israel's doom,
And dare not of your grace presume.
Jesus Thou seest my trembling heart:
Ah, never from my soul remove
Thy kingdom, or in wrath depart
To punish my defect of love:
But let my fruit of Thee be found,
And to Thy mercy's praise abound!