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[Not all those other husbandmen]

He . . . will let out his vineyard unto other, &c. —xxi. 41.

Not all those other husbandmen
Have paid the fruits in season due,
But spitefully abused again,
And kill'd the messengers anew:


Alas, they have in every age
Their persecuted Lord withstood,
Glutted their antichristian rage,
And drank, with Rome, the martyrs' blood.
The Householder in this our day
Hath servants to the keepers sent;
Yet will they not His word obey,
Or show by fruits that they repent:
Who now the chair of Moses fill,
The ruling husbandmen exclaim,
And cast out of the vineyard still
The men that speak in Jesus' name.
More servants to declare His word
He sends by His immediate call:
They preach the message of their Lord,
Repent, believe, they cry to all;
They urge the husbandmen in vain,
The Spirit's fruits of them require;
High-priests the vagabonds disdain
And fain would doom them to the fire.
God's servants true they will not hear
Without or with their orders sent,
But hate Him in His messenger,
His every faithful instrument:
And though the Lord His Son imparts,
And though with them His Spirit strives,
They chase Him from their worldly hearts,
And crucify Him by their lives.
On all who dare confess His sway
They their oppressive power make known,
As sworn the life of Christ to stay,
While Christ doth in His members groan;


And should He now on earth appear
The lords who o'er His vineyard reign
To save their wealth and grandeur here
Would nail Him to His cross again.