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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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from Publick Jars & Party Squable
that vex the Great and Please the Rable
Sir you've retird with as much Grace
and equal honour from your Place


as when in fields you drove the sword
or gave you[r] Councell at the Board
when you for Brittain dard her faes
or for her Intrest sums coud raise
still true to Justice faith & Right
your Character shines ever Bright
But why dear Sir may we complain
must Marlefield you thus strict retain
and all your smiles & witt engross
while friends deserted feel the Loss
my muse half Petted droops the wing
and snarls when Idiots bid her Sing
when merit faintly is regarded
and worth Like yours sae ill rewarded
But now the Muse wad fain Express
her wishes and with Blyth adress
in name of many to Beseek ye
not to desert for ay auld Reeky
wher a' your hearty friends desire
to se you[r] chearfullness Inspire
That Point wherin you never fail
when smiles Invite the witty Tale
Come then & with kind Pleasure trace
glad welcome in each friendly face
who wearyd with Politick din
and common jangle of out & in
wad be content to drap these Mobers
of faithfullness and friendship Robers