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Nov. 25-Dec. 3
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Nov. 25-Dec. 3

On Sunday a strange preacher. [The sermon] was severe in the extreme but too true. (Text: There is no peace saith my God for the wicked.) Aunt Ria commits to memory that beautiful hymn of [Joseph] Addison's, "The Spacious Firmament on High." Sue, Lizzie, Aunt Ria and I agree to commit to memory a piece of poetry every month .... Nov 2óth we think the work all finished when Aunt Ria persuades us to remodel the old silks, which we do and succeed in making them very nice dresses for the evenings. After 12 o'clock at night my trunk is packed for Richmond and I lay my aching head upon my pillow for a few hours rest. "Oh, bed, bed, delicious bed, that heaven on earth for the weary head." Nov. 27th Up early. Say good bye to the loved ones at home. Aunt Ria and Lizzie go as far as Shadwell with us. John Macmurdo meets us at the cars [in Richmond]. We are warmly welcomed by cousins Sop, Ann, and the rest of the [Macmurdo] household. Get into a host of girls, all of them. Macmurdo's or Picket's. We get on very well. Get into just such a fuss as we had on Monday at home. Most of the wedding's fixings not yet finished and for all my vows that I would not touch a needle for a month to come, "fellow feeling made me kind." I called for needle and thread and went to work in real earnest. Find cousin Jim Trice in Richmond . ... How strange to see him and Daddy greeting each other with a kiss. I'm introduced to Prissie's intended. [I'm] not prepossessed in his favor; hope she is doing well and may be happy.