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A Tragedy

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The Inside of the Palace.
A Throne far back. Two Chairs of State brought forward.
Almeria enters with a dart in her breast, and a dagger in her hand, supported by her women. Cyderia follows, weeping, brought in by two Traxallans.
Send for physicians.

No, 'tis past the power
Of mortal medicine—the envenom'd shaft
Has reach'd my vitals; and my last of life


Must follow its extraction!—There—Oh—gently—
Set me down gently—So—

Alas, my mistress!
What bloody hand has done this deed?

I know not whence it came, from friend or foe—
For, as I fled across the palace court,
This random arrow struck me.—Where's my victim?
Here—bring her forward—nearer!—

O, Almeria!
Bright, royal, generous maid, have pity on me—
Pity my youth, my innocence, and weakness!
Pity is native to our gentler sex;
And gentleness, with every soft perfection,
Shew loveliest in Almeria!

Peace, thou sorceress!—
Yet closer—bring her.—

Ah, if all my blood
Could stop the flow of thine—trust me, Almeria,
I should the readier yield it—What's my trespass?

Not one—but two, and both unpardonable—
Thy beauty, and thy blood!—Thou art of the race
That robb'd me of my kingdom—thou, thyself,
Hast robb'd me of my love!—And shall the house
Of Montezuma triumph, and grow strong
Upon the ruins of Traxalla's?—No.
Die, thou—and let the living of thy race,
Learn, in their turn, to weep!—

[Lifts the dagger.


Stay, yet, a moment!—
I have wept for them, Heaven doth know I have;
Night after night, with tears, have mourn'd the fate
Of your unhappy royal house!

But, then,
To live and revel in Almeria's spoils,
While I am lost, alike, to love and empire—
It must not be!
Now, while I yet have strength to strike!—Nay, shrink not—
Wherever dark futurity ordains,
We go together!

O, the gods, he comes!—
He's here—and shall I perish in his sight?
Sink in the harbour—and without a struggle
For life—for love?

[As Almeria attempts to strike, Cyderia rises, catches at her arm, and, in the struggle, wrests the dagger from her, and throws it away.
Alas—I am too faint!