University of Virginia Library

Scena 1a.

Phocillus. Heads-man.
Phocillus in Mourning. a Coffin Lyeing by Him.
An hower, and then a graue! Art you sure ffellow
Thou sawest the People «ar»ound about the Scaffold?

Yes my Lord.

I had Command indeed to fitt my S«elfe»
Against this Morning: But it is too Early,
My stomach can stay Longer. Who art thou?


One of the Kings Head Officers Sr.

O the Headsman.
Why wilt thou follow such a Bloody Trade?

Alas, my Lord Wee must haue Cloathes

I prithee take my Head of at a Blow,
And there's fiue Peeces for thee.

My Lord Marquesse gaue twenty. indeed I
neuer take Lesse then tenne

Ha, ha, There's more, soe thoul't doe it well.

An ere a Man in Corsica mend it I'l be hang'd.

A pretty Custom! Wee must by our Deathes;
Noe man will worke without his hire. The Sexton'l
Feeles ye Axe.
Not Digg unlesse wee ffee him. Let mee see thy Axe.
Phocillus what art thou when such a Rascall
Can Cutt thee and thy Noble Thoughts asunder?
And 'tis not farre off. Then this Wooden Coffin
Will Serue thee and be roome Enough: Noe Quarrelling
When as a sawcy Worme Twewes thee by th'Nose;
Wee all are quiet here. O that wee should
Act Such Braue things to haue soe poore an Exit
Yet hither Wee must Come. I prethee fellow
Pull of the Lidde. Ile try how I can Endure
To Ly in such a Thing.

I warrant you my Lord Ile teach you that. I
can make men Endure Cold or Any thing.

Sr, Leaue your Prate; This little Hower of mine's
Worth all thy Life. Wee yt are noble Borne
Must in the Case make Sport for Rogues, & Hangmen.
But See you use mee like a noble-man—.
I finde noe Horrour Here, but all at Peace;
Yet I am sadd. Wee all can scorne this Death
«Until hee Comes—» Lay on the Lidd—Tis Well.
Phoc. Lyes downe in the Coffin. Hee «covers him»


After a While Phocillus putts by the Lidd, & goes in—.
«Downe the» sadd Mold will Come tumbling on mee;
And ghastly «Scalpes» rattle About my Eares;
Who would be Proud then of a Clodd of Earth?
What's Ualour? Or to talke bigg to the Wind?
Since When wee Dy, wee fall but into Dust,
And in An Age forgotten.