University of Virginia Library

Psalme. XXXI.

The Argument.

Thus Dauid prayed from Saule so scapte: in letter thankth he so:
But Christ is ment: vvith all hys church: for sprite & bodies vvo

In te Domine.


In thee O Lord I put my trust: let me neuer be shamde:
Rid me in thy true righteousnes: which thou for me hast framde.


Bow downe thine eare make hast to me: deliuerd that I be:
Be thou my fort, my rocke so ferme: so stabled iust by thee.


Thou art my rocke & castell sure: my fortres large and wide:
For thy names sake lord lead me forth: be thou my light and guide.


My foote O Lord draw out of net: full priuy set for me:
Thou art my strength as I haue said: al hope doth rest in thee.


To thy good hands I yelde my sprite: O lord to thy great ruthe,
Thou hast redemd me certenly: O lord thou God of truthe.



I hate their superstition: who holde of vanitie,
where iust hath bene my confidence: O Lord alway in thee.


I will be glad and eke reioyce: for thyne humanitie:
For thou didst note my soules distresse: my state aduerse to see.


In cruell hand of deadly foes: thou hast not shut me vp:
But set my feete at large in roume: thou temperstd so my cup.


Haue mercy Lord vpon my wo: myne eyes therin consume:
My soule and eke my body sore: much payne they do resume.


My lyfe is wast in heauines: my yeares in mournynges wayle:
My strength is falne for myne offence: my bones beginne to quayle


A scorne I am among my foen: but most to neyghbourhed:
A feare I was to daily frende: seene out of dores they fled.


I am so cleane cast out of mynd: as dead man layd in graue:
I am become a vessel broke: which no man list to haue.


I saw so great conspiracy: of men in counsayle met:
My feare encreast whan they dyd rise: my soule to trap in net.


But yet my hope hath bene in thee: O Lord I thus dyd say,
Thou art my God my trusty God: thou wilt me kepe for aye.


My dayes be set in thy good handes: ryd me from all my foes:
Whose handes be set to persecute: to lade my soule wyth woes.


Thy gentle light of countinance: shew me thy seruaunt poore:
Saue me O Lord by mercy great: I trust therto the more.


And let me not confounded be: O Lord of thee I craue:
Confounded be all wicked men: in silence put to graue.


Let lyeng lips be stopt to speake: to whist downe lowe be thrust:
In cruell spite disdaynfully: they prate agaynst the iust.


How is thy grace so plentifull, prepard in store to bee:
For righteous men which thee do feare: as Adams broode may see.



To hide them safe euen iust by thee: from all prouokyng men:
Thine eies in house will kepe them sure: from tonges yt venim [illeg.]


O thankes be due to this the Lord: whose pity such I felt:
As I with forte were closed in: or I in citye dwelt.


Though whan I fled and felt excesse: I sayd thou me despisde:
Yet when I cryde thou heardst my voyce: in humble sute deuisde.


O Loue the Lord ye all his saintes: the Lord the iust preseruth,
The doer prowd he thorowly: rewardth as he deseruth.


Be strong in hart: most manfully,
For he your hartes shall strength:
All ye that wayte the Lord so good,
O trust ye hym at length.