University of Virginia Library



There are moments in life—though alas for their fleetness!—
As brilliant with all that existence endears
As if we had drained the whole essence of sweetness
That Nature intended should last us for years!
They pass—and the soul, as it swells with emotion,
Believes that some seraph hath hallowed the clime;
For never were pearls from the bosom of ocean
So precious and dear as those moments of time.
That moment when hearts which have long been divided
First meet, after absence hath tried them in vain;
Oh, years of affection, when smoothly they've glided,
Can yield not a moment so blissful again.
When friends, that a word had estranged, have forgiven
The word, and unite, hand and heart, as of old,
Oh, such moments of peace are like moments from heaven:
They are gifts from a world which the angels behold!