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Poems and Essays

By the late William Caldwell Roscoe. (Edited with a Prefatory Memoir, by his Brother-in-law, Richard Holt Hutton)

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Not now I court thy odorous spring-tide breeze,
Or breathe thy summer air, sweet Linley Wood;
Now drear November with a misty hood
Covers the distant landscape, and doth seize
The lingering autumn honours of the trees.
The woods are still, and silent Nature's mood,
Save where some bird, with voice not harsh or rude,
Pipes melancholy from the dewy leas.
A beautiful and mournful grace endu'th
Thy dying autumn hours; but soon the strife
Of jarring winds shall tear thee without ruth.
To me thy sadness is with meaning rife,
For I am in the autumn of my youth,
And close upon the wintry storms of life.
November 5th, 1844.