University of Virginia Library



For School use

How sad the strife and storm that rise
When angry thoughts breed angry cries!
But quiet song and gentle word
Should only from our lips be heard.
We'll remember all the week,
Softly sing, and gently speak.
We know when Christ our Lord was young,
No angry word e'er cross'd His tongue:
And when He grew no more a child,
His voice was loving, soft, and mild.
So should we be mild and meek;
Softly sing, and gently speak.
But we have other duties too;
Not only must we speak, but do:
And gentle hands and quiet feet
For little children's ways are meet.
We should practise what we know;
Softly step, and gently go.


Our Saviour's ways thus best we keep,
For lovingly He led His sheep;
And when His foes were raging by,
He gently gave Himself to die.
We should here His likeness show;
Softly speak, and gently go.