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Night, silent, cool, transparent, crown'd the day;
The sky receded further into space,
The stars came lower down to meet the eye,
Till the whole hemisphere, alive with light,
Twinkled from east to west by one consent.
The constellations round the arctic pole,
That never set to us, here scarcely rose,
But, in their stead, Orion through the north
Pursued the Pleiads; Sirius, with his keen
Quick scintillations, in the zenith reign'd.
The south unveil'd its glories;—there the Wolf,
With eyes of lightning, watch'd the Centaur's spear;
Through the clear hyaline the Ship of Heaven
Came sailing from eternity; the Dove,
On silver pinions, wing'd her peaceful way:
There, at the footstool of Jehovah's throne,
The Altar, kindled from His presence, blazed;
There, too, all else excelling, meekly shone
The Cross, the symbol of redeeming love:
The Heavens declared the glory of the Lord,
The firmament display'd his handy-work.