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“Even now we know, that when we shall see Christ as He is, we shall be like Him that His heart is infinitely more tender than ours—that we have never loved as Jesus has loved, and yet it is He who will pronounce the awful sentence, ‘Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.’”

The italics, in this miserable ascription of priestly smallness and cruelty to Christ, are my own.—G. B.

High Truth,” by the Rev. R. Aitken, p. 139.

At times I feel like Cromwell, or like those
Who laughed to mark the bitter guillotine
Make many a sudden breach abrupt and clean
In the fair slender necks of Freedom's foes.
I feel that till the Supreme Tyrant goes
Life's air will not be perfect and serene—
God's throat must first incarnadine the green
Planet, like some imperial flattened rose.
Just as a great rose trodden in the mire
Must God's fair beauty and his splendour be;
Already is it fashioned in the fire,
The sword that, like some towering wave at sea,
Shall fall upon him, setting the desire
Of all the renovated nations free.