University of Virginia Library



To sage antiquity we bow.—
And yet sometimes, I know not how,
To eyes not classically clear,
Her maxims look a little queer.
Day-break for instance, why assign'd
So often to the female kind?
From rosy hands, in Homer's lays
Aurora sheds ethereal blaze:
And Virgil, you must all have read,
Ev'n takes her fairly out of bed;
Arms her with radiance cap-à-pè!
Then hey for Morn!—and who but she!


Both Bards from life and nature drew—
Did living nature give this cue?
Kept ladies then so early hours?—
—Not, if their ladies were like ours!
Till abler heads this point discuss,
Excuse me, if I reason thus.
What's all creation's range immense?
—'Tis beauty in the largest sense.—
What happens, when we close our eyes?
—That range immense of beauty flies.—
What meets us with returning light?
—New beauty rushes on the sight.
Since beauty then, and light, increase
Together, and together cease,
More ancient wit, we may suppose,
Beauty to usher beauty chose:
That so the Power, which should display
The glories of emerging Day,


With Female charms might rise to view;
And serve for type, and substance too.
If this surmise seems mere dead letter,
Mend it who will!—the more the better.
When Morn first twinkles up the sky,
Terror's light troops promiscuous fly:
The Fairy spreads his filmy plume;
The Witch mounts cock-horse on her broom;
Snug to it's shroud the grim Ghost glides;
Down night's last shade the Goblin slides;
And Demons of terrific show,
From nothing form'd, to nothing go.
Has Morn, for this, specific force?
—No.—No,—'tis matter all of course.
Cause and effect in things ideal
Subsist and operate, as in real:
Ignorance breeds fears, and knowledge quells 'em;
Darkness makes monsters, light dispels 'em.


But hold—while thus my rambling Muse
A wild-goose chase of thought pursues,
Let faithful duty bear in mind
A topic of more serious kind;
For which a moment's pause I pray.
—'Tis what the Master bade me say.—
On this dear spot he sees, with joy supreme,
In your warm zeal, a glorious Day-break beam:
Whose future heat such private worth may raise,
As public justice shall rejoice to praise.
—Flush'd with such hope, and more than proud to boast
The Trust that honours, and that binds him most,
In three short words, he sums up all his plan;
Letters exalt, as Manners make the Man.


Manners, and Letters, then, alike shall share
His mode of discipline, his whole of care;
Anxious thro' gradual energies to dispense
Improv'd Humanity's Orient Light—from Hence!