University of Virginia Library




Of all thy foreign crimes, from pole to pole,
None moves such indignation in my soul,
Such hate, such deep abhorrence, as thy trade
In human beings!
Thy ignorance thou dar'st to plead no more;
The proofs have thundered from the Afric shore.
Behold, behold, yon rows ranged over rows,
Of dead with dying linked in death's last throes.
Behold a single victim of despair,
Dragged upon deck to gasp the ocean air;
Devoid of fear, he hears the tempest rise,—
The ship descending 'tween the waves, he eyes
With eager hope; he thinks his woes shall end:
Sunk in despair he sees her still ascend.


What barbarous race are authors of his woe?
With freights of fetters, who the vessel stow?
Who forge the torture-irons, who plait the scourge?
Whose navies shield the pirates o'er the surge?
Who, from the mother's arms, the clinging child
Tears? It is England,—merciful and mild!
Most impious race, who brave the watery realm
In blood-fraught barks, with Murder at the helm!
Who trade in tortures, profit draw from pain,
And even whose mercy is but love of gain!
Whose human cargoes carefully are packt,
By rule and square, according to the Act!—
And is that gore-drenched flag by you unfurled,
Champions of right, knights-errant of the world?
“Yes, yes,” your Commons said, “Let such things be,
If others rob and murder, why not we?”
In the smoothed speech, and in the upraised hand,
I hear the lash, I hear the fierce command;
Each guilty nay ten thousand crimes decreed,
And English mercy said, Let millions bleed!