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A new edition of the life and heroick actions of the renoun'd Sir William Wallace

General and Governour of Scotland. Wherein the Old obsolete Words are rendered more Intelligible; and adapted to the understanding of such who have not leisure to study the Meaning, and Import of such Phrases without the help of a Glossary

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CHAP. IV. How WALLACE laid Seige to Dundee, and gave Battle to Kirkingham Theasurer to King Edward, and the E. of Warran at Stirling Bridge.

Wallace, his valiant Souldiers does oblidge,
Most vig'rously the Castle to besiege.
Wisely disposes all, no Time is lost,
And to each Man assigns his proper Post.
By this Sir Aymer, that unnat'ral Foe,
In haste for England does prepare to go.
Like to B---sh---te himself with pannick Fear,
Packs up his Baggage, all his Goods and Gear.


Among the Suthron like a poor Exile
To lurk, and to abscond himself a While.
There Wallace Actions all he doth relate,
Which did oblige the English to regrate
Their sad Misfortunes, and unlucky Chance,
Which now had put their Measures to a Stance.
Edward to Scotland could not go that Time,
Yet still the more to aggravate his Crime:
He, Kirkingham his Theasurer does command,
And Earl Warrand, with a Numerous Band:
Of Horse and Foot on Scotland for to fall,
To worrie Wallace, and destroy up all.
This numerous Host do march with all their Speed,
The Earl Patrick them receiv'd at Tweed.
Inveterate Malice who, 'gainst Wallace bore,
As like a Rogue he always did before
And to his Native Country now does strive,
To work all Mischief that he can contrive.
The English now a Muster do intend,
And find their Host full Sixty Thousand Men.
Then March they all streight unto Stirling Bridge,
And in their Way, the Castle do Besiege.
When of those News Wallace had got some taste,
He then indeed bestir'd himself in Haste.
A Captain plac'd, of Vigilance and Care,
For to Command the Siege was lying there.
Two Thousand good, in Number they would be,
North-Country Men, and dwellers at Dundee.


Then march'd his Men, all cliver Young and tight
And in St. Johnstoun quarter'd that same Night.
At Sheriff-Moor, them up in Order drew,
Where narrowly he did them all review.
Then with brave Air, spoke Sir John the Graham,
The Glory of that noble ancient Name:
Great Fates we have performed in the Field,
With smaller Force, and stronger Foes made yeild,
Who fight said Wallace, for just righteous Ends,
God unto them Assistance always sends.
Then, tho' the En'my were Ten Thousand more.
Let's up and beat them, as we've done before.
Near Stirling Bridge I purpose first to be,
There to contrive some subtile Jeopardie.
Wherein we may our Suthron Foes ensnare.
So soon as the Fat-lugged Lowns come there.
We'll keep the Bridge, with our true Men and stout
They'r not acquainted with the Way about.
Wallace sends Jop to tell, that Tuesday next,
To fight the Suthron, was the Day prefixt.
On Saturday, unto the Bridge they rode,
Which was well join'd, with good plain Boards and broad.
Watches he set about him ev'ry where,
That none might know what he was working there.
A cunning Carpenter, by Name John Wright.
He quickly call's and fall's to work on Sight.
Caus'd saw the Boards immediatly in Two,
By the mid Trest, that none might over goe.


On cornal Bands caus'd nail it very soon,
Then fill't with Clay, as nothing had been done-
The other End to stand, directeth there,
On wooden Rollers, with great Art and Care.
When one was out, that all the rest might fall
The Carpenter below he caus'd withal.
In a closs Cradle cunningly to sit;
And loose the Pin when Wallace thought it fit.
Which by one Blast, he of a Horn would know,
Then to be sure, to let the Roller goe.
The Day of Battle does approach at length,
The English then advance with all their Strength.
And Fifty Thousand march in Battle Rank,
Full Six to one, yet Wallace never shrank.
The rest they lay about the Castle-Hill.
Both Field and Castle, thought to have at will,
The worthy Scots together closs did bide,
In the plain Field, upon the other Side.
Hugh Kirkingham, the Van-Guard on led he,
With Twetnty Thousand likely Men to see.
The Earl Warran Thirty Thousand had,
If all were good, the Number was not bad.
Thus Fifty Thousand silly Suthron Sots.
Proudly march up against Nine Thousand Scots.
VVhen Kirkingham his Twenty Thousand Men,
Had past the Bridge, quite to the other End:
Some of the Scots, in earnest without Scorn,
Thought it high Time to blow the warning Horn.


But Wallace he, march'd stoutly thro' the Plain,
Led on his Men, their Numbers did disdain.
Till Warran's Host, thick on the Bridge did go,
Then he from Jop did take the Horn, and blow:
So loud, and shrill; he warned good John Wright,
Who soon struck out the Roller with great Slight.
Then all went down, when the Pin was got out,
At which arose a fearfull Cry and Shout.
Both Men and Horse, into the River fell,
Honest John Wright did act his Part so well.
The hardy Scots, with heavy Strokes and sore,
Attack the Twenty Thousand that came o'er.
Wallace, and Ramsay, Lundie, Boyd, and Graham,
With dreadfull Strokes made them retire, fy Shame.
The Suthron's Front they fought, all Face to Face,
Who to their Jgnominy, and Disgrace,
Did neither stand, nor fairly Foot the Score,
But did retire, Five Aiker breadth and more.
Wallace on Foot, with a great sharp Sword goes
Amongst the very thickest of his Foes.
On Kirkingham there such a Stroke he got,
In spite of all his Armour and Mail-Coat,
That killed him Dead: none durst him there rescue,
Then to that valiant Captain bad Adieu.
When Kirkingham Dead on the Spot to lye
The Suthron saw; Then they began to fly.
Who tho' they had fought it most bloody hot,
Ten Thousand lost and left Dead on the Spot.


The Rest they fled, was none durst stay behind,
Succour they sought, but none at all could find.
Some East, some West, and some fled to the North,
Seven Thousand flutt'red all at once in Forth;
Who from that River little Mercy found;
For few escap'd, and most of all were drown'd.
On Wallace Side, no Man was kill'd of Note,
But Andrew Murray, a true hearted Scot.
When Warran's Men, saw all was lost and tint,
They fled as fast as Fire does from the Flint.
Ne'er look'd about, nor once a Scotsman fac'd,
But to Dunbar march'd in a Dev'lish hast.
Thus Thirty Thousand English in a Word,
Like Cowards fled, without one Stroke of Sword.
Then Wallace Host pursu'd with all their might,
Took up the Bridge, and loosed good John Wright.
The Earl Malcom, from the Castle past.
And with his Men, pursu'd the Suthron fast.
Thro' the Tor-Wood, the Earl Warran fled,
Where many of his Men got a cold Bed.
He had the Rogue Corspatrick, for his Guide,
With Whip and Spur they both away do ride.
Streight to Dunbar, and left their scatter'd Host,
Who in their Flight were all cut down almost.
The Scottish Horse, they had pursued so,
Were so fatigu'd, no further they could go.
Wallace, and Graham, who still together rade,
At Haddington, a mighty Slaughter made.


Ramsay, and Boyd, Adam of Richardtoun.
Richard of Lundie, all are lighted down:
With them, Three Hundred brave Scots Cavalrie,
Which Wallace was extreamly glad to see.
The Earl Malcom, he was also there,
Where, blyth and glad, all Sumptously fare;
The Earl Warran, and Corspatrick are,
By this Time safely got into Dunbar.
Whom Wallace did most hotly there pursue,
But missing him had little more to do
Having at least, full Thirty Thousand slain,
In the Pursuit, and upon Stirling Plain.
In Haddingtoun he quarter'd all that Night,
Then back for Stirling march'd by Morning Light.
On the Assumption Day, this Battle's fought,
Wher ethe brave Scots, have perfect Wonders wrought.
Then after all, sure sicker Work to make,
Of all the Barrons he an Oath does take.
That as Scots Warden, they would him respect,
And he with all his Pow'r would them protect.
Sir John Montieth, who was of Arran Lord,
Most readily unto it did accord.
And faithfully himself by Oath he bound.
To stand by Wallace, and defend the Crown.
All those who freely would not thus comply,
He caus'd be punish'd with Severity.
Some put to Death, and some to Prison sent
His glorious Fame thro' both the Kingdoms went.


Soon after, by a Tyrant got Dundee,
And yet the Men fled all away by Sea.
The English Captains, that were free to stay,
Their Castles left, and then stole all away.
So that in Scotland, when Ten Days were gone,
An English Captain there you could see none.
Except in Roxburgh, and in Berwick Town,
Which to reduce Wallace intended soon.
That Time there was a Barron of great Fame,
Who Chrystal Seatoun was unto his Name;
He with the Suthron often did contend,
And did in Jedburgh VVood himself defend.
From the Scots Faith, to swerve he never would,
No for a Million of King Edward's Gold.
Heabotle who did Jedburgh then Command,
VVhen he the Suthron saw expell'd the Land:
He suddenly did from the Castle flee,
With all his Men Seven Score in Company.
Christal with Fourty Scots does him pursue,
Most of the Men, and Captain there he slew.
Great Store of Riches, Gold and houshold Stuff,
From Suthron got, and purely swing'd their Buff
Jedburgh he took, plac'd Ruthven Captain there,
Brave Seatoun then to Lothian did repair.
Of him hereafter, greater Fates and more
You'll hear, then what he did to the Seven Score:


And whoso please the Bruce's Book to read,
Will see him fam'd for many a valiant Deed.
Wallace does now consider and advise,
Where to find out good Faithfull Men and Wise,
Who by Experience did understand.
Rightly to manage and govern the Land.
Captains he made, and Sherriffs very good,
Some of his own, and some of other Blood.
His Cousin Crawford, Governour to be
Of Edinburgh, and the Castle order'd he.
Now Scotland's free, lives in great Peace and Ease,
And Suthron are fled home to tost their Cheese.
Wallace much like a Prince doth Rule and Reign
Waiting a Time to get his lawful King,
From Edward who keep'd him in London Town,
Most wrongfully from his own righteous Crown.