University of Virginia Library



Where the wave in slow meanders
Winds beneath o'erhanging trees;
There your Elfin empress wanders,
There she quaffs the morning breeze:
Rising from her reedy pillow,
Round the moss-clad rock she plays;
Leaning on her pearly billow,
All the liquid realm surveys:
Envious shades the landscape banish—
Shades my radiant mirror shroud:
See the glossy stillness vanish—
Chase oh chase that ruffling cloud!
Gentle Elves! in streamlets brawling
Down the pendent forest flow;
Foaming high, or faintly falling,
Join the lucid lake below!


Soon the formless cliff ascending,
Spread with vapoury veil the scene;
Misty steams and mountains blending,
Soften nature's savage mien!
Noon opposes—flame-surrounded!
To your rocks, my Fays, repair!
There in caves with thickets bounded
Wake your woe-dispelling air.
While the lake with trembling lustre
Owns the magic of your songs;
While amidst your Fairy cluster
Echo every note prolongs;
Lull my toil with opiate numbers
Till the star of evening glows:
Lap me in oblivious slumbers,
Wave the wand of soft repose!