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Mvsica transalpina

Madrigales translated out of foure, fiue and sixe partes, chosen out of diuers excellent Authors, vvith the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, vpon tvvo Stanza's of Ariosto, and brought to speake English vvith the rest. Published by N. Yonge, in fauour of such as take pleasure in Musicke of voices

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[XLII. Thirsis enioyd the graces]

Thirsis enioyd the graces

Thirsis enioyd the graces, Thirsis enioyd the graces, of Clori's sweet embraces, sweet embraces, yet both their ioyes were scanted, for darke it was and candle light they wanted, & candle light they wanted, where with kinde Cinthia in the heauen that shined, her nightly vayle resigned, and that fayre face disclosed, and that fayre face disclosed, then eche from others lookes such ioy deriued, then eche from others lookes such ioy deryued, such ioy deriued, that both with meere delight, dyed and reuiued, that both with meere delight dyed and reuiued, reuiued.