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Abel redevivus

or, The dead yet speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines. Written by severall able and learned Men (whose names ye shall finde in the Epistle to the Reader.) And now digested into one Volumne, for the benefit and satisfaction of all those that desire to be acquainted with the Paths of Piety and Virtve [by Thomas Fuller]

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The Life and Death of John Philpot, who died Anno Christi 1555.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.


Couragious Philpot with a dauntlesse brow
March'd to his death, and would not once allow
The least Submittance to erronious powers,
But Scorn'd to smell on their impoysn'd flowers:
And when he labour'd in the most distresse
He was most chearfull, and would still addresse
Himselfe to Heaven, where he was sure to find
A healing Balsome to confirme his minde;
He prayed to God, and hauing done, he cry'd,
I thank, I thanke thee Father, and so dy'd: