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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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Vpon the honest and vertuous, Ag. Chal.

These be the treasours that this Tombe containes,
Earth, dust, and ashe, much pampred in our pride,
Now but a band, of bosse, and bloodles bains,
That but short time, here in their beauties bide,
Flesh is most fraile, and suddantly does slide,
No durance is nor certentie of daies,
No mortall men, hes wherein to confide,
But in the Lord, through Christ, the Scripture saies,
So while each one, their part like Stagers plaies,
Vpon this worlds, vaine Theatre I wold,
They learnd to die, vnto the Lord alwaies,
So for to rest, inregistred, and rold,
Amongs the happie, companie of those,
To life elect, be mercie, loue, and choise.