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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Now let vs sing with Ioy and mirth]
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[Now let vs sing with Ioy and mirth]

Now let vs sing with Ioy and mirth
In honour of our Lordis birth,
For his lufe and humanitie,
Quha gaue him self for vs to die.
Be Adame we wer all forlorne,
Bot now Christ Iesus till vs is borne,
Hes fred vs fra Captiuitie
And vincust hes our Enemie.
Quhen he was borne nane did him snib,
To ly richt law intill ane Crib
Ane Oxe, ane asse, richt tenderlie
Refreschit his humanitie.
His Godheid mysteris na support


For it was full of all comfort
Quhilk equall is in all degre,
Unto his fatheris Maiestie.
The angellis sang with mirrynes,
Unto the Hyrdis mair and les,
And bad them of gude comfort be,
For Christis new Natiuitie.
For we war all at Goddis horne,
This Babe to ȝow that now is borne,
Sall mak ȝow saif, and for ȝow die,
And ȝow restoir to libertie.
This Babe for ȝow did sched his blude,
And tholit deid vpon the Rude,
And for his greit humanitie,
Exaltit is his Maiestie.
And now he is our aduocate,
Pray and for vs baith air and lait,
This can the Scripture verifie,
In sa far as ane man is he.
Thairfoir all tyde, tyme and hour,
Pas vnto him as Mediatour,
Betuix the fatheris wraith and the,
Of sin, gif thow wald clengeit be.
For he hes promeist with his hart,
To all sinneris that will reuart,
And fra thair sinfull lyfe will fle,
Sall ring with him Eternallie.


To God the Father mot be gloir,
And als to Christ for euer moir,
The haly Gaist mot blissit be,
Wirkar of this Natiuitie.