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XLIII. Ane Complaint vpon Fortoun.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Inconstant warld, fragill and friuolus,
With feinȝeit Fortoun! quha confides in the,
Sall finde his lyfe cairfull and cruellus,
Led in this vale of wofull miserie;
Quhat potent princes in prosperitie
Hes sho deposd from their imperiall places!
Hir craft quotidian we may cleirly se,
As men in mirrouris may behauld their faces.
The worthie Bocas, in his morall buke,
The Fall of Princes plainly dois compyle;
Amangs thame all quha euer lykes to luke,
Sall finde Dame Fortounis fauour for a quhyle;


For with the one eye sho can lauch and smyle,
And with the vther lurke and play the loun;
Sum to promotioun, and some to plaine exile,
Lyke draw-well bukkets dowkand vp and doun.
That variable witch makis all the warld ado!
Quhat kingis and countreis hes sho brocht to end!
Assyrians, Persians, Grekes, and Romains to:
The monarches foure micht not hir force defend.
Bulworkis nor battellis bydis her nocht a bend;
Quha may withstand her straik quhan sho list stryke?
This nicht aneuch, the morne nathing to spend!
Imago in Luna, and sho lukis baith alyke.
To pen the speciallis it passis mony a hunder,
And makis the tyme ouer tidious to declare;
Sum sho promouis, and sum sho puttis, to, vnder,
And sum rewardes with wandring heir and thair;
And sum incastrat captiues in the snair,
And sum for flatrie dois hir freindship find;
To all estates vntruethfull, quhat sould mair,
Turnand her volt lyke woddercok in wind?
To paint her out it passis mine ingyne,
How wonderfully she wirkes in all thir thingis!
Sum fra thair birth brocht vp with doggis and swine,
Tane fra the pleuch, and placit in sait of kingis.
The brutell beist, ane barbour wolfe, vpbringis
The first borne Romain, callit Romulus,
Quhais blude as ȝit into that regioun ringis,
By expectatioun of auld Amelius.
Cyrus siclyke was be ane bitche vpbrocht,
Cround as a king, ane cruell man of weir.
Pareis in Troy, that all the toun forthocht,
Preseruit from slauchter be souking of a beir.


And swa was Thylaphus with ane hinde, I heir;
Medas with imates, and maid ane michtie prince;
Plato with beis, quha did sic prudence leir,
That all men meruelled of his eloquence.
Without respect to blude royall, or clan,
Pureanis promouit that na man wald presume;
Torquinius Priscus, a baneist marchant man,
Chaist out of Corinth, and cround a king in Rome.
Siclyke was Seruius from ane shipherd grome;
And Tullus Hostilius fand her fauour neist;
Is, was, and salbe quhill the day of dome,
Sic doubill dealing in Dame Fortounis breist!
Quha findis hir freindship of fauour hes aneuch;
To warldly glore sho gydes them all the gait;
Tuke sho not Gordias from the spaid and pleuch,
And quickly placit him in a princes sait?
How far may Darius bragge of her debait,
Tane fra the stabil ouer Persia to ring!
Pure Agathocles, from a law estait,
Ane potteris boy, to be ane potent King!
Of Justine, the suinehird, sho maid ane empriour,
Ouer Constantinople ane king, and cround him thair;
Gyges the gait-hird, ane michtie conquerour,
To Lydia land she maid him lord and aire;
And Wallancianus from his landwart fair,
Tane fra the pleuch to place imperiall;
Cambyses, Nero, be the contrair clair,
Was thair awin burreois to thair buriall.
Sa Fortoun mountit neuer man sa hie,
Fostered with folie, suppose she make them faine,
Bot with ane tit sho turnis the quheill, ȝe sie,
Doun gois their heid, vp gois their heillis againe!


Of Alexander to write I war bot vaine;
Ouer fifty landis he lord was, at the leist;
Ȝit threttie dayis lay efter he was slaine,
Unbureit in Babell, lyke a brutell beist.
Xerxes, quhose armeis maid the riueris dry,
And schippis subumbragit all the seyis on breid,
Did sho not wait him with sic foule inuy,
Pray to Pericles, that put him to his speid?
Of Julius Cesar gif thow lykes to reid,
In his triumphant toun victorious,
Slaine be his Senatis, schamefully in deid,
By his awin kinsmen Brutus and Cassus.
Sum auld exemples heir I man induce,
To bring my purpose to more speciall;
Quha was mair worthie, gif I wald make ruse,
More stout, more trew, nor hardy Hanniball?
Danter of Romaines, to Carthage ane castell wall,
The onely thing quhairin he maist reioysit;
Do quhat he docht in deidis marciall,
By his awin pepill petiously deposed.
Sicklyk was Sipio saiklesly schot furth,
That vinqueist Hanniball lyke a warriour wicht,
His valiant workes was weyit bot litill worth,
Quhen he was baneist with a bair gude nicht;
Not lyke a captaine nor a kindly knicht,
Bot lyke ane beggar baneist in exile;
Sa Fortoun montit neuer man on hicht,
Bot sho can law him within a litill quhyle.
Alchebead of Athenis was Duke,
Of princely parents and ane royall race,
To keip his toun sic trauell undertuke,
He maid his fo-men fle befoir his face;


To his rewarde he gat nane vther grace,
Ingraitly baneist, to their awin grit skaith;
And Tymistocles in that samin place:
By their awin burgessis thay wer baneist baith.
Experience teiches me not to flyte with Fortoun,
With auld examples that dois na thing belang vs;
Marke James of Dowglas, present Erle of Morton,
And of the best that euer was borne amang vs;
Danter of theuis that dayly dois ouer-gang vs,
Key of this countrie that kepit vs from skaith;
I speik na farther in feir thay sould gar hang vs:
Preichouris and poiettis are put to silence baith.
Few things wer done bot Mortoun interprisit them,
Dumbar, and Brichane, and mony vthair bloke;
Speik quhat thay pleis, he wrocht them and deuisit them;
He and his freindis ay formest in the flocke;
He faucht ȝour querrell as kein as ony cok,
Reuengit ȝour murthers ma nor twa or thrie;
Ane nobillman and of ane ancient stoke,
His valiant deidis demereitis not to die.
Ane of the speciallis did mentene ȝour croun,
Ȝour ferme protectour in ȝour tender ȝeiris;
He maid ȝow vp and all ȝour fo-men doun,
His marciall manheid did mentein ȝour weiris;
Gif he did wrang, rewarde him as effeiris;
Gif he did gud, God wald he sould be tret;
Bot as the prouerbe speikis, it plaine appeiris,
Auld men will die, and barnes will sone forȝet.
Was he not rewler ouer ȝour realme and rigioun,
Quhill all was pacifeit be his prudent wit?
Stude he not stoutly be the true religioun,
Ane of the first that maid the freiris to flit?


Franke on the feildis, and formest at the bit,
Without respect to baggis or bodie to;
Ȝour faithfull subiect, and sua he sal be ȝit,
To do gude seruice, as I haue seene him do.
Than at Carbarrie hill he held a day,
With litill bludeshed Bothwell was put a-bake,
Quha slew ȝour father and fibilly fled away,
Syne socht ȝourselfe to bring this realme to sake.
How mony clawbackes than, suppose thay crak,
Conuenit with Mortoun quhan Bothwel tuk the chase?
Try or ȝe tine him, and trow not all thay spak;
Lat workes beir witnes: vaine wordis sould haue na place.
Sone efter that the Counsell cround ȝoursell,
Quhan godly Murray as a regent rang;
Ȝit thair was some that bauldly did rebell,
That to ȝour lawis wald nouther ryde nor gang.
Quha thair conuenit for to reuenge ȝour wrang,
Albeit ȝour action was thocht innocent?
It was the Dowglassis douchtaly them dang,
And pleit ȝour proces in that parliament.
Quha could declare our langsum lyfe in Leith,
Fechtand all day, and syne lay in our clais?
Gif Lindesay lykes, that Lord can tell ȝow eith
Quha was ȝour friendis, or quha ȝour mortall fais,
Or quha gaid formest breistand vp the braies.
I dar not pen the speciallis, I do plaine ȝow;
Bot, weill I wait, howeuer the warld now gais,
Thai find maist freindship, was fardest than again ȝow.
Syne at [the] Langsyde feild ȝour grace may ken,
Mortoun was thair ane man amang the rest;
In Striuiling toun, out of his dowie den,
Maist lyke a fox thay fyrit him in his nest.


In Edinburgh Castell quhair thay war possest,
He them desplaced that purposit to undo ȝow.
Quhan ȝe grow auld, I wait ȝe will confest,
Mortoun hes bene ane faithfull saruand to ȝow.
Quhan Regentis deit, and all the lytes inlaikit,
The Counsell did conuene and set ane day;
Thay cheisit him Regent in that rowme that waikit,
With sad adwise, for few or nane said nay;
Bot ȝit I think thay playit ȝour grace foule play,
Gif he was knawin than of thir crymes conuict;
Gif he be saikles, surely I dar say,
They haue defamit him with ane fulich trick.
To dant the theuis had he nocht mekill ado,
Abandoned the borders that na man durst rebell?
The Armestrangis, Elliottis, and the Johnestons, to,
With twentie vther clans I can not tell—
During his dayis thai durst not ryde ane ell;
The hirdis and hinde men in their labeis lay;
Bot thair estait, as now ȝe sie ȝoursell,
All nicht to walke, and fane to wirk all day.
Aganis grit lordis committing small offence,
With iniust challenge thay aucht na man to chessoun;
Mortoun hes ay bene vpricht with his prince,
But spot of cryme, or ony point of tressoun.
Albeit gude saruice be not tane in seasoun,
His workes may witnes he neuer sparit for perrell;
Laitly accusit but outher ryme or ressoun,
As sindrie schawis me, for a saikles querrell.
Daft fulis defyis him because thay finde him sage,
And cowartis contrarious for his hardiment;
Young men for glaikrie can not agrie with age,
And waisteris inuyis him for his gouernement.


And sacreit counsell can not be content
To suffer lordshippis in equalitie;
Ȝit I beseik ȝour grace, of gude intent,
To play the prince but parcialitie.
Adwise ȝow weill, sen he hes not offendit;
To keip sic senattis it sall decore ȝour land;
Of rasche decreitis cums rew and may not mend it,
As Scottismens wisdome dois behinde the hand.
Wyse lordis are ill ta make, I vnderstand,
And crewelty in kingis is to abhorre:
This sempill counsall, syr, is na command,
Bot wald to God that na man louit ȝow war.
quod Sempill.

Imprintit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekprewicke, dwelling at the Netherbow.