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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psa. 36.


Psa. 36.


To the cheef Musitian, a Psalm of David the servant of the Lord. It mentions the impiety & corruptions of the wicked. It declareth also, the infinite Love, mercie, sweetnes, & Iustice of God &c. It may be sung to bring to consideration, God's goodnes, whē the over-flowings of vngodlines circumvent vs?


My hart, within me, sayes;
That, Sinners fear not God:
And, their self-pleasing course, displaies
Their hatefull guilt abrode.
Their words, are wicked wiles;
Nor wise, nor just are they:
Vpon their bedds they study Guiles,
And, cursed is their way.


The heav'ns, thy Mercy fills;
Thy Truth doth reach the skye:
Thy justice, Lord, or'e-topps the hills,
And, deep thy judgments lie.
Thou sav'st both man & beast;
For, Lord, thy grace excells;
And, vnderneath thy wings, in rest,
Man-kinde securely dwells.


With daineties of thy house,
They shall replenish'd be;
And, streames of blisse, they shall carowse:
For, Life doth flowe from thee.
Thy light is, Lord, our light:
Therfore (where thou art knowne)


Prolong thy grace, that men vpright,
May make thy works, their owne.


Let not the foot of pride,
Oppose, or hinder me;
Nor let me be remoov'd aside,
By hands that wicked be.
For, thence the overthrowe,
Of Sinners, first begann;
And, when they fell, they fell so lowe,
That, rise they never cann.