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Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. VVhere-vnto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred [by Thomas Lodge]

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Sonnet xxxvj.

Sonnet xxxvj.

If so I seeke the shades, I presently, doe see
The God of Loue forsakes his bow and sitte me by:
If that I think to write, his Muses plyant be,
If so I plaine my griefe, the wanton boy will cry.
If I lament his pride, he doth increase my paine,
If teares my cheeks attaint, his cheeks are moist with mone,
If I disclose the woundes the which my hart hath slaine,
He takes his Fascia off, and wipes them dry anone.
If so I walke the woodes, the woodes are his delight,
If I my selfe torment, he bathes hym in my blood:
He will my souldiour be if once I wend to fight,
If seas delight, he stears my Barke amidst the flood:
In breefe, the cruell God doth neuer from me goe,
But makes my lasting loue eternall with my woe.