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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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I perceaue wel that we two, can rule all rounde-about,
With our directions, in Worldly and Spirituall, likewyse:
Though then all liue ; through vs; in neuer so beastly Gyse/
Thatt is not regarded, men may perceaue it truly.

But if a Man fayne himself, and go to Church duly/
Then is he well accounted of, though his Godnes be not much.

Yea, he shoulde soone be caught by the Throte, if he were any such,
That oughts, but what Good-thinking aloweth, shoulde like-of and defende.

But Whoso ; Unregarding, and Good thinking; doth commende/
Hee reioyceth greatly, because he doth honour vs twayne,
But in our filthy Uices, and Workes peruerse and vayne,
Wee Two are doutles, the cheefe Ministers of Hell.

Then let vs equall Fellowes bee, and both together dwell:
And giue me now thy hande, in this League of our Equallitee.
And I wil no more aboue thee, clayme the Principalitee:
But alwayes by thy Syde, wil waite, euen hande-in-hande.

Then let vs no more each other, enuyously withstande:
But be mery still together, and in nowyse to Lament:
To the ende that our Kingdom, in peeces be not rent.
For we continue vnreproued in the Generation of Men.