University of Virginia Library





Twice one are two—2
I will teach you something new.
Twice two are four—4
Repeat it o'er and o'er.
Twice three are six—6
Be they apples, nuts, or sticks.
Twice four are eight—8
I teach without a slate.
Twice five are ten—10
Nor shall I use a pen.


Twice six are twelve—12
It will do you good to delve.
Twice seven are fourteen—14
But we'll have a little sporting.
Twice eight are sixteen—16
Your mind let that be fix'd in.
Twice nine are eighteen—18
Don't be tired of waiting.
Twice ten are twenty—20
You soon shall learn a plenty.
Twice eleven are twenty-two—22
Patient steps will lead you through.
Twice twelve are twenty-four—24
To-morrow come and learn some more.


Three times one are three—3
At home be gay and free,
Three times two are six—6
But keep from teazing tricks.
Three times three are nine—9
Don't make the kitten whine.
Three times four are twelve, I know—12
In reading, be distinct and slow.
Three times five are fifteen—15
Let not your mind be shifting.


Three times six are eighteen—18
Keep not people waiting.
Three times seven are twenty-one—21
Rude and wicked children shun.
Three times eight are twenty-four—24
Be not fretful any more.
Three times nine are twenty-seven—27
Keep your writing fair and even.
Three times ten are thirty—30
Let not your hands be dirty.
Three times eleven are thirty-three—33
Let your manners gentle be.
Three times twelve are thirty-six—36
How rude the child that contradicts.


Four times one are four—4
Little Jane was poor;
Four times two are eight—8
And on others had to wait.
Four times three are twelve—12
In the garden she would delve;
Four times four are sixteen—16
And was handy in the kitchen;
Four times five are twenty—20
And not always had a plenty.


Four times six are twenty-four—24
Of learning she had little store.
Four times seven are twenty-eight—28
But bore quite patiently her fate.
Four times eight are thirty-two—32
And glad was she for work to do;
Four times nine are thirty-six—36
And made us laugh with merry tricks;
Four times ten are forty—40
And was gentle to the haughty.
Four times eleven are forty-four—44
At length she prospered more and more;
Four times twelve are forty-eight—48
And is now a good man's happy mate.


Five times one are five—5
Are our flowers all alive?
Five times two are ten—10
They will soon be bright again.
Five times three are fifteen—15
The earth requires shifting.
Five times four are twenty—20
Give them water plenty.
Five times five are twenty-five—25
Look, how the lovely roses thrive.


Five times six are thirty—30
Take care the thorns will hurt ye.
Five times seven are thirty-five—35
Fresh and fair they all revive.
Five times eight are forty—40
Dear children I exhort ye.
Five times nine are forty-five—45
For brighter flowers than these to strive.
Five times ten are fifty, know—50
On virtue's living tree they grow.
Five times eleven are fifty-five—55
And the coldest storm survive.
Five times twelve are sixty, dear—60
And bloom through an eternal year.




Six times three are eighteen—18
The youth no more are skating.
Six times four are twenty-four—24
Wintry winds have ceased to roar.
Six times five are thirty—30
Jack Frost no more will hurt ye
Six times six are thirty-six—36
See the hen protect her chicks.
Six times seven are forty-two—42
How clear the robin's whistle, too.
Six times eight are forty-eight—48
See nature's carpet spread in state.
Six times nine are fifty-four—54
View the rain-bow arching o'er.
Six times ten are sixty—oh! 60
How the western clouds do glow.
Six times eleven are sixty-six—66
Your thoughts on the Creator fix,


Six times twelve are seventy-two—72
Who clothes this happy world anew.


Seven times three are twenty-one—
How fierce and high the noontide sun.
Seven times four are twenty-eight—28
The labourer toils till evening late.
Seven times five are thirty-five—35
The fields, the groves, are all alive.
Seven times six are forty-two—42
The panting herds the shade pursue.
Seven times seven are forty-nine—49
The angler throws his trembling line.
Seven times eight are fifty-six—56
The squirrel chirps and plays his tricks.
Seven times nine are sixty-three—63
How cool the stream beneath the tree.
Seventy, are seven times ten—70
But look, how changed the scene again!
Seven times eleven are seventy-seven—77
Dark clouds obscure the blue of heaven.
Seven times twelve are eighty-four—84
Deep thunders roll from shore to shore.



Eight times three are twenty-four—24
Summer's brilliant reign is o'er.
Eight times four are thirty-two—32
Sportsmen now their game pursue.
Eight times five are forty, dear—40
In beauty fades the passing year.
Eight times six are forty-eight—48
The trees their doom with smiles await;
Eight times seven are fifty-six—56
Their hues like dying dolphins mix.
Eight times eight are sixty-four—64
Golden harvest crowns our store.
Eight times nine are seventy-two—72
The gleaners search the corn fields through.
Eight times ten are eighty, sure—80
Let us not forget the poor;
Eight times eleven are eighty-eight—88
For all should share our happier fate,
Eight times twelve are ninety-six—96
Whom woe or poverty afflicts.


Nine times three are twenty-seven—27
Now softly falls the snow from Heaven.
Nine times four are thirty-six—36
The youth in active gambols mix.


Nine times five are forty-five—45
With skates or gliding sleighs they drive.
Nine times six are fifty-four—54
The merry bells approach the door.
Nine times seven are sixty-three—63
Come in, our hearth will cheerful be.
Nine times eight are seventy-two—72
We'll talk, and write, and read, and sew.
Nine times nine are eighty-one—81
And when our evening task is done,
Nine times ten are ninety, child—90
Thank God, who on our home has smiled;
Nine times eleven are ninety-nine—99
Then on our pillow soft recline.
Nine times twelve are hundred and eight—108
Pity the traveller wandering late.
Ten times one are ten—10
Ten times two are twenty. 20
Ten times three are thirty—30
Ten times four are forty. 40
Ten times five are fifty—50
Ten times six are sixty. 60
Ten times seven are seventy—70
Ten times eight are eighty. 80
Ten times nine are ninety—90
Ten times ten are one hundred. 100


Ten times eleven are one hundred and ten—110
Ten times twelve are one hundred and twenty. 120
Eleven times one are eleven—11
Eleven times two are twenty-two. 22
Eleven times three are thirty-three—33
Eleven times four are forty-four. 44
Eleven times five are fifty-five—55
Eleven times six are sixty-six. 66
Eleven times seven are seventy-seven—77
Eleven times eight are eighty-eight. 88
Eleven times nine are ninety-nine—99
Eleven times ten are one hundred and ten. 110
Eleven times eleven are one hundred and twenty-one—121
Eleven times twelve are one hundred and thirty-two. 132


Twelve times two are twenty-four—24
My useful task is nearly o'er.
Twelve times three are thirty-six—36
Let me my thoughts a moment fix,
Twelve times four are forty-eight—48
And on my duties meditate.


Twelve times five must sixty be—60
Oh! may I live from error free!
Twelve times six are seventy-two—72
Let me all knowledge thus pursue,
Twelve times seven are eighty-four—84
As I have conned these lessons o'er,
Twelve times eight are ninety-six—96
Where toil and pleasure intermix.
Twelve times nine are one hundred and eight—108
Thus pressing onward fair and straight,
Twelve times ten are one hundred and twenty—120
That I, dear teacher, may content ye,
Twelve times eleven are one hundred and thirty-two—132
And keep some noble aim in view,
Twelve times twelve are one hundred and forty-four—144
Nor rest till time and numbers are no more.