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Fragile sweets, how frail ye are,
Snow-drop pale, and vi'let blue;
Beauty, tho' so heav'nly fair
And sweet, may be compar'd with you.
In the early spring ye bloom,
Making April's mantle gay,
But robb'd of beauty and perfume,
Fade upon the robe of May.
Lovely Rose, who, queen of flow'rs,
Spring and summer both adorn;
Hanging, tempting, round our bowers,
Hiding 'neath thy charms a thorn.
So the joys of youth appear,
Tempting to the distant view:


Who to gather them draws near,
Finds they hide a thorn like you.
Myrtle, beauteous evergreen,
Fair thy blossoms to the view,
Pure as snow drops are they seen,
Fragrant as the musk-rose too.
Friendship's emblem thou shalt be,
In thy simple charms array'd,
Cheer'd by sun-shine, lovely tree,
Frost alone can make thee fade.