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[I.] Little Children Brought unto the Lord JESUS CHRIST.
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[I.] Little Children Brought unto the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

On Mat. XIX. 14.
When Little Children once were brought
To our most Gracious Lord:
Them that Oppos'd, He better Taught,
By this most precious Word:
Suffer Your Little Children, so,
Forbid them not, I say,
Their Saviour to come unto;
‘I'm He, and come they may.
‘Acknowledge me a mighty King,
‘That Heavenly Graces give;
Infants to me, for Subjects bring;
My Heaven does them receive.
Thus does our Blessed Shepherd call,
Our lambs into His Fold:
Lord pour thy Blessings on them all,
Blessings richer than Gold.
Oh! What a Glorious Grace is This,
Which God through Christ will grant,
That HE ours and our Childrens is,
In His Best Covenant.