University of Virginia Library


U.Va. Sailing Assoc.–Final
beginner lesson Thurs. Nov. 9, 6:00
p.m., 4B Newcomb Hall.

Riding Club meeting Thursday 7:00
Rm. 4A. Newcomb Hall.

Meeting of Counselor's Committee
on Human Sexuality, 6 p.m. at
Student Health.

Gay Student Union meeting, 9 p.m.
United Ministry Center, 1908 Lewis
Mountain Road.

2nd,3d year premeds: Attend one
meeting Phg 203 re applications,
MCAT: Nov. 9 4:00, Nov. 10,
10:00 or 3:00.

The Sigma Phi Society is pleased to
announce the pledging of Stephen

Ham Radio meets 7:30 p.m. A&M
building Enge School. Wednesday
at Courthouse Albermar Club at

1st Year Council Social Committee
will meet at 9:00 p.m. Resident
Advisor's Sulte at Metcalf.
Meeting: Student Subcommittee of
the English Undergraduate
Committee 8:00 in 319 Cabell Hall,

UVa Sailing Assoc. Racing Seminar
7:15 4B Newcomb Hall. All
members UVASA invited.

Important Intramural Basketball
Referee Rules meeting 4:00 p.m.,
Room 22 in Memorial Gym.

Meeting of the Human Relations
Committee of Student Council
7:00 South Meeting Room.
Everyone welcome.

Meeting, Govt. & Foreign Affairs
majors, 3:30 p.m. 345 Cabell Hall.

Raven Society election meeting
8:00 p.m. Graduate Lounge.

International Club Social Hour. 5-7
p.m. at International Center, 21
University Circle. Everyone's