University of Virginia Library

Beware Charlie!

Office Help - part time or full time
girls to work in our interior
decorating dept., filing, typing,
telephone advertising and direct
mail. The Decorative Center, 117
Maury Ave., 295-6060.

Grad. announcements have arrived.
They're in the Newcomb Hall
Bookstore. Pick them up soon. 15
cents ca.

Paul B. Victorius Frame Shop -
1413 W. Main St. - Custom
framing for all degrees. Special
Discount cards being mailed to all
graduating students.

Aug. 29 - $202. June 25 - Aug.
28. $222. NY/Lon. R.T. Open only
to Univ. of Va. Students, Faculty,
Staff. Call Va. Student Fits.
293-9485 pref. after 10 p.m.

Wanted to buy - used cycle
helmet. Call Clark 296-6949.