University of Virginia Library


LAW, MED students, faculty: Any
suggestions regarding DRUG USE
pamphlet? 2nd edition is imminent.
Student Council

I.M.P. Society, Pi Delta Epsilon, Eli
Banana, Spirit Club, Virginia
Anglers, please pick up mail in the
Student Government Secretary's

M & F students needed for Medical
Research: Sex Knowledge and
Attitudes — S. Meeting Rm. N.H. at
7:30 p.m. May 6th (Thurs.)

VOLUNTEERS: tutoring session
this Sat., 10:10, usual place.

Applications for position of
Student Counselor, 1971 Summer
Session available in Student Affairs
Office, Room 4, Kent House.
Graduate and Undergraduate
students who attended the
University at least 1 prior semester
may apply. Applications fitting
deadline: 5-10-71.

Action '71 Picnic, Sun. 4 p.m. -
Transp. from Mem. Gym Lot - You
all come!