University of Virginia Library


Union's Sunday Film: Bunel's
ANGEL, Sun. 3/28, 7:00 &
9:00 p.m. Newcomb Hall Ballroom,
75 cents.

WANTED — VW — pre 1965 - must
be in good cond. Call 296-1110
after 5 p.m.

BABYSITTER Wanted, 1 to 5 p.m.
weekdays for one year-old

University Union is sponsoring a
Far Flight or Study in Japan at
Sophia University. If interested,
contact the Union, 924-3286.

Applications now being accepted
for part-time work at Catering
Events. Must be over 21. Food
Service, 4th Floor Newcomb Hall,
5-7 P.M.

"Festival of Creativity" Sunday 11
a.m. at Unitarian Church. Featuring
selected poetry. David Weinberger's
clarinet, Peter Snell's art, more.
Robert Morrison master of

1971 Honda CL350 - Brand New,
Red, 10 miles on speedometer.
$775. Call 973-3743 after 7 p.m.