University of Virginia Library

Glee Clubs Concert

The PK German Society has no
monopoly on concerts Friday
night; the Glee Clubs of VMI and
the University will present their
own in Cabell Hall auditorium at
7:30, one hour before the concert
at University Hall.

The 70 members of the University's
Glee Club, under the direction
of Donald Loach, will sing the
rousing finale of Wagner's opera,
"Die Meistersinger" and Poulenc's
"Lauds of St. Anthony." They will
conclude with a set of amusing
nursery rhymes sung in Pennsylvania
Dutch to music composed in
the style of Brahm's Waltzs.

They will also present a new
arrangement of "Requiem for the
Masses", a contemporary work
written originally by the Association.
The arrangement combines
the sounds of contemporary rock
music and choral sacred music, with
social commentary added through
significant Latin phrases from the
Psalms and other sources. The two
members of the Glee Club who
created the arrangement. Tom
Diklich and Howard Hanson, are
active professionally in performing
popular and classical music.

The 60-singer Cadet Glee Club,
directed by George Blester, will
supplement the works of classical
composers with Simon and Garfunkel's
"Cecelia" and Blester's
"Fantasia" on the love theme of
the film "Romeo and Juliet". Selections
from Bach, Buxtehude, and
Mozart make up the classical
portion of the Cadet performance.

Tickets are on sale at the usual
places and at the door (Students
$1.00, Adults $1.50).

WTJU - FM 91.3 MHz will
broadcast the Glee Club Concert
live from Old Cabell Hall
Auditorium beginning at 7:30
Friday evening.