University of Virginia Library


Sunday Film Series presents Psycho
in Newcomb Hall Ballroom at 7:00
and 9:30 PM Entrance .75.

JOHN B. Minor Pre-Legal Society:
Membership applications available
at 401 Cabell Hall and Newcomb
Hall Main Desk.

need weekend rides to New York.
If you have a car, call Fred.

Have a speech problem?
Professional speech therapy is free
for University students. UVA
Speech and Hearing Clinic, 109
Cabell Hall, 924-3113

The Department of Germanic and
Slavic Languages wishes to
announce that it has eliminated the
Senior Comprehensive Exams as a
graduation requirement for its
majors This action is effective
immediately and is retroactively in
force for all current majors.

INTERESTED in competing for
1971 Maid of Cotton? Contact
Student Council.

AT THE PRISM, Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 9-10.
Penetangulshene from
Harrisonburg. Good time, fun
music. Cover .75, doors open 8:00

Kippur Services, Friday, Oct. 9 at
7:30 PM and Saturday; Oct. 10, at
10:00 AM (1824 University Circle)

Can you provide a blind student a
ride from Staunton on Tuesdays
and Thursdays? If so, Please
contact the Directors Office,
Newcomb Hall.

following Law schools will visit the
Grounds on the dates indicated,
Mon. Oct. 12: Duke, Temple, Fri.
Oct. 16: UNC, Tues. Oct. 20: W&L;
Sign up at the Office of Placement,
5 Minor Hall.

VIRGINIA students are going up to
New York Oct. 16 to campaign for
Lowenstein, need cars for
transportation. If interested, call
Fred at 973-6240.

Anyone interested in becoming a
UVA basketball manager, please
contact Steve McKonley at
295-2655 or the Basketball office
in University Hall at 924-3405
before Oct. 15.

New Democratic coalition is taking
part in a fall statewide college rally
at Marymount College, Sat.
afternoon and night. Congressman
Brock Adams, Harold Miller and
George Rawlings will speak. For
Information about the above, call
Peyton Whiteley at 295-6058.