University of Virginia Library



1970 Honda CB 350, 900 miles,
like new. 3 months, old $700. Call

Beat inflation — C'ville Jaycees
repeat famous sale of new and used
merchandise, clothing, small appliances,
etc. Sport shirts $0.25 and
up. Most donated by local merchants.
This Saturday, Feb. 7 at 228
W. Main, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

Yamaha Classic guitar, fur lined
case, brand new. Must sell, leaving
for Europe. $100. Call 293-5639.

1, 1941 Indian Motorcycle Road
Ready, 1213 cc's. Recently rewired,
good tires, foot clutch, hand
sift, 2. World's largest motorcycle
1953 Indian 80, 1300 cc's, gleaming
chopper, very good tires and
excellent running condition, does
120 mph; and 3. 1969 Triumph
Trophy, 650 cc's, excellent running
condition. Call Bert, 296-1833


Summer Camp Counselor Openings;
Coastal boys' and girls' camps
— featuring seamanship plus all
usual camping activities — have
openings for college men and
women to serve as camp counselors
June 10-Aug. 22. Excellent
character references and ability to
instruct in camp program (sailing,
motorboating, aquatics, land
sports) required. Good salary.
Room and board furnished. Quick
answer upon receipt of application.
Apply to Wyatt Taylor, Camp Sea
Gull/Seafarer, P.O. Box 10976,
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605.

Regular soloist, Christian
Science Church. Call Mrs. Smith
after 5, 293-9746.

Roommate wanted until June,
Modern luxury apt. $46.25 plus
utilities. Call 293-7339.

Fourth-year man looking for
roommate 2nd semester, your own
bedroom, walking distance to U.


Summer in EUROPE — $199 if
you act now. June 11 to Sept. 3.
NYC to London round trip. Call
29-344 ask for John Sundin.