University of Virginia Library



TRYOUTS for "The Elevator,"
a workshop production scheduled
for Oct. 19, will be today, 7-9 p.m.
in Minor Hall. The one-act play,
directed by Bill Thomas, calls for
three men.

LOCKERS for students, Memorial
Gym, 9 a.m. today.

ALL PETITIONS of candidates
for the post of Student Council
representative from Grad. A&S
must be in Student Council offices,
4th floor of Newcomb Hall, by
4:30 today.

DEPT. of Economics and Grad.
Eco. club present Richard Schramm
of Cornell U. speaking on "Value-added
versus Profits, Taxes, and
Exports" at 4 p.m. in Roum Hall

FREE BUS transportation to
First Baptist Church Sunday: Baptist
Student Union 10:15 a.m.,
Tuttle House parking lot 10:25,
Echols House 10:30, E-school
10:30, Mary Munford 10:40, Rotunda


DEPT. of Astronomy and
NRAO present Dr. Edward Spiegel
from Columbia U. speaking on
"Solar Oblateness?" at 4 p.m. in
114 Gilmer Hall.

fitness program, individual and
group, Monday and Wednesday, 1-2
p.m. beginning today. Meet on gym
floor, Memorial gym. Lockers,
shower, and towel service available.

service fraternity will have rush
smoker at 7 p.m. at Jefferson Hall.
All interested second, third and
fourth year men invited.

MEETING of Moratorium Committee
concerned with Oct. 15 door
to door canvassing in room 4C,
Newcomb Hall at 7:30 p.m. All
urged to attend.

FILM "Passionate State of
Man," interview with Eric Hoffer,
will be shown at Baptist Student
Community meeting at 5:30 p.m.


GUIDES — meeting Tuesday at
7:15 p.m., preceded by coffee at
6:45. Program features Mr. P.
Saunier. Business meeting, elections
and other important matters. Old
and new guides please attend.

GRAD SOCCER — scrimmage
with Varsity Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday games have
been cancelled. Now meeting Saturday
at 10:30 a.m. Newcomers

IN CASE YOU have been
wondering why there is suddenly an
abundance or Curriculum Evaluation
reports available, last year's
committee had ordered a second
printing which has just become
available. Sorry they were not here
for registration. Copies at Newcomb
Hall Main Desk, Newcomb
Hall Bookstore, and Mincer's for
fifty cents.

ATTENTION first-year men:
New first year directories for sale at
Main Desk, Newcomb Hall, Fifty
cents. Limited supply.

ASME meeting Tuesday at 7:30
p.m. Speaker will be Dr. Lewis on
"Biomedical Engineering." A&M
Auditorium, refreshments, public
invited. New members welcome.

ON GROUNDS agents for
national companies who leave their
order blanks literature, etc., indiscriminately
in Newcomb Hall
please note that they will be
thrown away. Before attempting to
place order banks, etc. on bulletin
boards, consult with Director, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall.

PAY CHECKS for students who
worked during Registration may be
picked up at Registrar's office,
Garrett Hall.

CLASSES in Tae Known Do, the
Korean art of self-defence, will
begin Sunday in boxing room of
the gym. Classes held Sundays, 1-2
p.m. and Mondays thru Thursdays,
8-9 p.m.

STUDENTS interested in working
on Student Council committees
are urged to call Council offices,
3454, or write giving name, address,
phone and committee preference to
Kevin Mannix, Student Council
Secretary, Newcomb Hall. We need
your help.

U. of PA. representative will be
on Grounds Oct. 7 to interview
prospective law students. Sign up at
Office of Placement, 5 Minor Hall.

ALL COURSE descriptions for
the fall session of Experimental U.
should be sent to 141 Watson by
Oct. 4 to insure listing in the

ANYONE wishing to circulate
petition in support of Oct. 15
Vietnam moratorium contact Tom
Steele, 50 E. Lawn, or Steve Squire
at Vietnam moratorium table, 2nd
floor of Newcomb Hall, 12-2 p.m.

HILLEL Foundation: Simchat
Torah service Saturday at 7 p.m.
Friday evening service at 6:45 p.m.

classes are needed to assist in
preparing the Student Council Curriculum
Evaluation report. Third
and fourth year students are needed
to fill dept. editor positions in
major fields. Contact Stu Pape, 32
E. Lawn, 6-1950 or 3-3687.

PRISM Coffeehouse Friday and
Saturday, Mark Stadler, contemporary
folk guitar and vocal from
Norfolk, Xanadu open 8 p.m.

SUNDAY movie is "Live for
Life" with Yves Montand and
Candice Bergen at 7 and 9 p.m.
Fifty cents. Newcomb Hall ballroom.

SKI TEAM meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in room 4A, Newcomb
Hall. All interested invited to

GRAD. WIVES in Arts and
Sciences having a get-acquainted
fashion show for new grad. wives
Sunday at 3 p.m. in Wesley
Foundation Guest will be Mrs. W.
Whitehead. All grad, wives invited.

BUS TRIP to Mary Washington
mixer Saturday, $3. Main Desk,
Newcomb Hall.