University of Virginia Library



hold elections at coffee hour at 5
p.m., Graduate Lounge. All members
urged to attend.

ITALIAN table - speakers of
Italian are invited to a reunion at
the Gaslight at 7 p.m.

TODAY is the last day of
elections in the Engineering School
for two Student Council representatives
and one Judiciary representative.
Please take the time to vote.

ENGINEERING Council meeting
concerning the MacWade award
at 5 p.m., room A207 Thornton

VISTA representatives will be
here today and tomorrow from 9-4
p.m. at entrance to Cabell and 2nd
floor Newcomb Hall cafeteria area.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

YOUNG Democrats important
meeting at 7:30 p.m., Informal
Lounge, Newcomb Hall. Nomination
of officers. All members urged
to attend.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria. All bridge
players invited.

GERARD de Vaucouleurs, professor
of Astronomy at U. Texas,
will speak on "Neutral Hydrogen
and Optical Properties of Galaxies"
at NRAO at 4 p.m. Talk sponsored
by NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy,

ANTHONY Trozzollo, a basic
research chemist at Bell Tel. Lab.,
will address a chemistry colloquium
at 4 p.m. in room 304, new chem.
bldg. He will speak on "The Role of
Singlet Oxygen in Photosensitized
Oxidation." Sponsored by the
chemistry department.

"THE SATAN BUG" — a germ
capable of destroying the world.
Movie at 7 and 9, Newcomb Hall
ballroom. Fifty cents.

COMPUTERS — The Users'
Group in conjunction with the
Computer Center presents the third
in a four-lecture series on Intermediate
Algol, 5 p.m., room B23,
Gilmer Hall.

T.I.L.K.A. cocktail party at 4
p.m. Thursday in the garden of
Pavilion VIII.


DEPT. of Foundations of Education
and South Asia Comm.
present a colloquium on "Current
Trends in Indian Education and
Politics" with R. Park Prof. of Pol
Science at U. Michigan, speaking.
South Meeting Room, Newcomb
Hall at 3 p.m.

GRIPE-IN at 2 p.m., Pavilion
VIII, open to all interested persons
regardless of sex, race, color, creed
or national origin.

CONCERT: Five Centuries of
German Song. U. Singers at 8:30
p.m., Cabell Hall Auditorium. Students
$1, general admission $1.50.

INDIA Assoc. of U.Va. in
collaboration with International
Club presents India night Friday at
7 p.m. in Newcomb Hall ballroom.
Program consists of exhibits of
Indian articles, folk dances and
songs. Indian food will be served.
Admission free.


"AMONG the Brutes and Tulips"
an original comedy by
Douglas Young, will be presented
by the Virginia Players from Monday,
May 12 through Saturday,
May 19. Curtain is at 8:30 every
night at the Minor Hall Little
Theatre. Reservations may be made
2-5 p.m. Students only $1 Monday
and Tuesday nights.

RIDING Club: overnight camping
trip for Friday night and
Saturday morning. Sign up at
Newcomb Hall Information Desk.

THE QUESTION is not whether
you can afford to attend the
Transition Fund free concert on the
Lawn Sunday, but whether you can
afford not to.

IEEE-HKN picnic Saturday at
Pavilion 2 in McIntire Park, 12-5
p.m. Seventy-five cents per person
for all the food and drink you
want, plus sports. Sign up at C-49.

"LA NOTTE" — Jean Moreau
and Marcello Mastroianni star in
Antonionl's drama of life and love
in Italy, 7 and 9:15 p.m., Newcomb
Hall ballroom. Fifty cents. Sunday.

TAU BETA PI student members
are reminded to sign the attendance
guest list before May 14 for the
spring banquet to be held May 16.

FACULTY CAP and gown
rental orders for June graduation
will be accepted until 5 p.m. on
Monday, May 19 in director's
office, Newcomb Hall. Faculty
members who wish to rent academic
regalia are urged to place
their orders by that date.

Corks and Curls will continue
through this week only. People who
have already paid can pick their
books up at 3rd floor Newcomb
Hall. Those still owing money must
pay before Friday on the fifth
floor. Hours are 2-5 p.m.

PLAYERS presents "Terror and the
Absurd" a tripartite performance
beginning today at 1 p.m. at Carr's
Hill, continuing at 1:30 at Dean
William's office, and ending with a
rousing demonstration at 2 at
Pavilion VIII. Everyone is invited to
rebel against the absurd.