University of Virginia Library


Gruen Guild gold pocketwatch,
room 121 Cabell last class Monday
afternoon. Call Mrs. Bell 3334.

Will the "gentlemen" who took
the lining out of my London Fog
40L in New Chemistry Bldg. Dec. 6
please return it. Also will the person
who borrowed my navy blue
benchwarmer and gloves from Newcomb
Hall on Dec. 5 please return
them. Brad Kelley 296-7413.

White, all weather coat outside
of Rm. 423 Cabell before Thanksgiving
Holiday. Name written on
label, call or contact Stan Cohen.
R. 332 Balz, 296-2987.

Long, silk scarf. Belge, grey,
blue, exotic print. Sentimental
value. Call Vickl No. 222,