University of Virginia Library

Father Interviewed

In an interview with King's
father, a number of interesting
facts about Virginia's sole Negro
athlete came to light. Despite his
son's above average athletic ability,
he received no feelers from Virginia's
recruiters. He attended the
University because, hoping to be
an engineer, and Virginia was the
finest school at which he had been
accepted. The proximity of
George's home surely added to
Virginia's luck in getting him.

Asked how George was treated
as an athlete while at the University,
Mr. King stated, "He
seemed to have enjoyed it. He had
no problems whatsoever, no unfavorable

On the subject of social strain,
Mr. King felt that George was
far more at case than most Negroes
would have been by having gone
to Lane, and therefore having an
established circle of friends. "I'm
sure he didn't feel totally included,
but he was welcomed by those
that knew him." Mr. King also
mentioned that George had been
invited to fraternity social functions.

To Mr. King, his son seemed
to find athletics a profitable point
of contact with his white counterparts
as a form of "common-denominator."