University of Virginia Library



Cowboy boots and hats. The
Saddle Shop, 220 W. Water St

BEEN SEARCHING-for a University
pictorial calendar? Available
again at Newcomb Bookstore

Leather coats and jackets, 30%
off regular price during February.
The Saddle Shop. 220 W. Water St.

Smith Corona "Classic 12" Portable
typewriter, 12″, Legal size
carriage, full office keyboard, case
included, $75. Don Wiseman, 2961856
after 6:00 p.m.

Model 70 Winchester Caliber
225 Re. Like new. Des and
brass included. $100. Call 295-9276.

House, Hessian Hills, 114 Bennington
Rd. Contemporary. 3 bedroom,
living room with fireplace.
Cathedral celling. Dining room.
Built in range, large lot, FHA
with $3,500 down. $27,750. Call 2963367.

Wood for Sale, $10 a load, long
or short. Green or dry. Woodrow
Campbell, 293-1096.

1965 SAAB 96. Dark Blue, Pirelli
snow tires mounted. $600.

Custom made slip covers, less
than cost. Green for Wing chair
and Gold for French Provincial
rocker. Call 293-2744.

White Sunbeam Alpine. 1967,
Excellent condition. 5 year Chrysler
warranty. Call 296-3781 after
6:00 P.M.


6 room apt. Basement, garage,
big lawn, quiet neighborhood.
Close to University. 224 Shamrock,

Apt. unfurnished, 3 blocks from
U. 4 rooms plus. Modern, phone
296-6263 between 5-7 weekdays.
All day Saturday, or see at 2114
Ivy Road, Apt. 14.

Room for rent in furnished
house with two fourth year students
on West Park Drive. Call
295-2829 or 293-5001.

Modern Apt., furnished, 163
Chancellor St. $75 per month, will
bargain. Call 295-5716.

House, 4 bedrooms, unfurnished,
1 baths. Fenced in yard
- net beyond suburbs. June 1
available. 296-5363.

Apt. One large living room, one
large bed, room, dinette, kitchen,
bath. Stove, refrigerator, Water,
heat furnished. Off-street parking.
2 blocks below Martha Jefferson
Hospital. Phone 296-7259.


Models, male or female, for art
class. Tuesday and Thursday
mornings, 9:00-12:00. Call 295-216,
Ext. 3057.

Apt.-mate, inexpensive yet luxurious
apt., close to University
-395 15th St. Call 6-3631.

Needed: Girl(s) to find and
share apt. or house near U. 2934524
after 6:00 p.m.

Student or faculty wife to keep
two year-old, five mornings a
week. Call 296-1164.

Roommate to share apt. with
two other students on prestigious,
convenient Valley Road. 2936897.


Graduate Study and Research
in the Field of Materials. Graduate
research assistantships available
for physicists, chemists, engineers
in outstanding research
group. Stipend-$2880/12 months
(half time) plus dependency allowances
and remission of all
tuition and fees. Post doctoral
positions and fellowships also
available. For information and applications,
write to: Director, Materials
Research Laboratory, the
Pennsylvania State University, 1112
Research Building, University
Park, Pa. 16802.

Personality Poster, Psychedelic,
ski Posters and Buttons. If we do
not have them, then you don't
want them. Send for samples and
Shop, 4609 E. Colfax, Denver, Colorado.

Spring Vacation in NASSAU.
Round trip ship from Mimi only
$74. Call Arnold Rogers, 296-1103.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service forms. One day
service. Gitchell's Studio. 21 E.
Main, 29-755.