University of Virginia Library


If we enquire into the results of University training we find
again the fairest answer in a simple statement of facts. Of
the professors in the colleges, and universities of Virginia, 32
are Alumni of the University of Virginia; of 5 judges of the
Court of Appeals, 4 are University men; of the judges of the


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Circuit Courts the University has furnished 7; and like results
may be pointed to in every department of intellectual activity.

During the past session (1887-88) of her 391 matriculates
242 were from Virginia; and of those there were 61 students
of law, 42 of medicine, 16 of engineering, and 25 were teachers
in the public schools of the State.

Nor is it in Virginia alone that the results of her culture
have been felt. In every Southern State her alumni occupy
honorable stations on the bench, on the bar, in the medical
profession, in the professoriate, in the pulpit.

In her first sixty years she has educated wholly or in part
2665 lawyers, 2504 physicians, 688 teachers, 340 clergymen.

Among her alumni have been 395 legislators, 179 judges,
62 congressmen, 6 governors, 2 cabinet ministers, 2 Speakers
of the House of Representatives.

Her children are her jewels!