University of Virginia Library


The energy crisis in this
country in largely a result of
the unwillingness of people to
consider alternatives to fossil
fuels, which are not renewable,
and at the current rate of use
will be exhausted within the
next century. Not nearly
enough research has gone into
such alternatives as solar
power, geothermal power
(using the natural heat of the
earth), wind power, and tidal
power. The government should
be investigating these
alternatives with the fervor
that would exist in time of
war, for example, because the
situation is an emergency
which is becoming more
cancerous every moment it is

The major problem
confronting man today is not
pollution itself, but man's own
stubborn clinging to
established and traditional
ideas, which are slowly eroding
the very fiber of human life.
We must encourage
alternatives, especially when
they are as sorely needed as
they are today.